How to upload courses via spreadsheet

Uploading multiple courses at once is easy using our drag and drop uploader which works with a correctly formatted excel document.

Upload multiple courses

  • First, visit your dashboard area, then click the BULK UPLOAD COURSES button, beneath your calendar
  • A Pop up will prompt you to drag and drop or click to select a file stored on your computer
  • Select your pre-prepared file and click the UPLOAD COURSES SPREAD SHEET BUTTON

Preparing your spreadsheet

When you select the Bulk Upload Courses button you can download a sample Excel spreadsheet document to get you started. The document must be in that format and adhere to the following conventions

Required fields

  • Course Name: this must match an approved course, a list of your available courses is visible from the dropdown on the bulk upload pop up
  • Course Start Date: This should be a UK date format, no time
  • Start Time: This should be in HH:MM format
  • Course End Date: This should be a UK date format, no time
  • Approximate Finish Time: This should be in HH:MM format
  • Trainer email addresses: A comma separate list of your approved trainers that are running this course i.e. “,”
  • Delivery Location: If the course is being delivered online the value should be “Remote”. If the course is a classroom location, the location should match one of your approved locations, a list of your available locations is visible from the dropdown on the bulk upload pop up
  • Secure Access Instructions: If secure access is required, the value should be Y if not the value should be N
  • Max number of candidates: a value between 1 and 16 is required

Optional fields for online courses

If your course is being run online and you have set your delivery location to Remote, please also complete the following fields:

  • Webinar URL: The url to access the webinar
  • Webinar username: a username that can be used to access the webinar (if required)
  • Webinar password: (if required)

Optional fields

The following fields are optional:

  • Additional Comments: Any other information that needs to be known about accessing the course,
  • Workbook quantity: Number of workbooks you require delivering for this course, this field may not apply to you as a member if, so leave blank
  • PO number: The PO number for the course, this field may not apply to you as a member if, so leave blank

Still got a question?

If you still have a question about, please contact us